Butternut Squash Soup


My famous butternut squash soup. No it is not papped and put into daily glossy mags but is the one thing my family request every winter and it is so easy to make. I would recommend making it a day in advance because like most soups it tastes better when all the flavours have had a chance to mingle, plus so much easier for when your guests arrive, all you have to do is heat it up! You will need:

  • 2 large butternut squashes
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 1 red chilli
  • Two onions
  • 4 chicken stock cubes
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Coriander (optional)
  • Sourdough bread (optional)
  • Double cream (optional)

Cut each of the butternut squashes in half. You will need a really sharp knife and be really careful because they are hard to do but don't worry, this is the hardest part out of the way. When you have halved them put them in a pre-heated oven at 250. Drizzle olive oil all of them and in the well they have at the bottom half and sprinkle with salt and pepper. In each of the wells place a clove of garlic. The garlic will roast until it is beautifully sweet. I find they need at least  an hour and a half to two hours in the oven to roast but keep an eye on them as every oven is different. You want them to be soft enough so you can scoop the flesh out. When the squash is ready, leave them to cool. In a pot gently fry two onions finely or roughly chopped with one chopped red chilli. Leave them so they become soft but not brown. Add the roaster garlic and butternut squash. Cover with about a pint of chicken stock (I recommend using around 4 stock cubes to really amp up the flavour - if you are veggie you could totally use vegetable stock). You want it to just cover the butternut squash soup. Bring it to a boil and leave for about 15/20 minutes. Turn off and blend. When it's blended give it a taste for salt and pepper. You will probably need to add more salt but obviously it is to taste. When it has cooled completely refrigerate. The next day when you are serving heat gently. When it is ready poor in 50ml double cream to add a smoothness to the soup. I like serving with sourdough bread and chopped coriander. This is just what you need on a cold Winter's day or night, enjoy!


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