Chicken Enchiladas


If you like fajitas then you'll like their more comforting cousin, enchiladas. Which are baked with a load of cheese. Need I say more? I have adapted a recipe from BBC Food, which can be found here

The sauce is particularly good and would be great on a lot of things. My adaptations include using 430g of boneless, skinless thigh fillets instead of breast. Breast can dry out so easily and I really don't use it for anything other than escalopes. The thighs retain more flavour and lower the risk of the meat drying out. I also only use 350g of passata and instead fill water up in the bottle about halfway and add that to the sauce. I also don't use kidney beans in the enchiladas as I hate kidney beans and instead substitute with a green pepper. I also don't use any sour cream because I don't like that either! This is a fab recipe though and I have now made these quite a few times, with granted, probably a lot more cheese.


Baked Pumpkin Doughnuts


Crispy Chicken Caesar Salad